Inflammatory Low Back Pain
Inflammatory Low Back Pain is more correctly known as Chemically Mediated Discogenic Pain Syndrome. Of the many types of low back pain, it is common in St George with our strong retirement communities. Thankfully, this low back pain responds very favorably to chiropractic treatment protocols.
Chemically Mediated Discogenic Pain is closely related to Degenerative Disc Disease. Some researchers believe that CMDPS is the early version of DDD. In CMDPS, certain enzymes leak out of the intervertebral disc. The principle enzyme is called Phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Those enzymes cause the nerves near the spine to be hypersensitive. When nerves become hypersensitive, they fire pain signals to the brain too early. Imagine, touching sun-burned skin and how painful a normal touch is on the hypersensitive nerves in the sun-burned skin. Something similar is happening in the nerves of the low back. They are responding to normal stimulus as if it were painful.

Dr. Andrew White at the Innova Pain Clinic has specific treatment protocols to speed recovery and reduce pain from Chemically Mediated Discogenic Pain.
The pain from this disease process tends to be worse in the morning and eases as the day progresses. There is dull ache pain in the lower back, along the belt line. In more severe cases, the pain does not lighten up as the day progresses and the pain radiation can mimic sciatica.
The treatment of this lower back pain focuses on reducing the concentration of the PLA2 enzyme. Three very good ways of doing so involve ultrasound therapy over the region, flexion-distraction to the affected disc, and specific chiropractic adjustments to restore proper mechanics to the joints. At our St George chiropractic office, we have specific treatment protocols to speed the healing and reduce the effect of chemically mediated discogenic pain syndrome.
If left uncorrected, inflammatory low back pain can promote other pro-inflammatory degenerative conditions such as degenerative joint disease and degenerative disc disease, both of which are painful when left untreated.
If you think you might be suffering from this disease, please contact our St George office at (435) 652-4322 to schedule your evaluation and first treatment.