
Exercise Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer

St George Chiropractor

A recent research article published this week reiterates the importance of regular exercise. Researchers have shown that with regular exercise, you can reduce your risk of colon polyps by 16% and a 30% risk reduction for large or advanced polyps. The scientists are not entirely certain of the mechanism of action. Most likely it is due to enhanced immune function, decreased inflammation, and reduced insulin levels and insulin resistance, and higher vitamin D levels, Dr. Wolin and colleagues note.

This is great news for us in the St George, UT, area. With our friendly weather, plentiful parks and trails, we have lots of exercise opportunities. One does not have to exercise vigorously for a full hour, but even a 30 minute per day routine can dramatically reduce our risks and improve our health. If you have been thinking about starting a program, let this article be the ‘nail in your procrastination-coffin’.

If you are suffering from sore joints, arthritis, or bursitis, and it’s keeping you from exercising. There is no need to “work through the pain.” Call Innova Pain Clinic at (435) 652-4322 today and let us put you back in action.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles and freedigitalphotos.net

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