
Fibromyalgia Treatment

Dr. Andrew White, St George UT, pain management chiropractor has been treating fibromyalgia since 1995 and has honed treatment protocols to maximize relief, and speed recovery.

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition effecting about 2% of the population.  There is no known exact cause and no single cure.  Fibromyalgia pain is felt all over the body, and is evenly distributed above and below the waist.  The pain is felt in the muscles and in the joints.

In fibromyalgia, the nerves become hypersensitive and pain signals are sent to the brain.  The chiropractic treatment for fibromyalgia is very effective when compared to medical management.  Dr. Andrew White, St George UT, pain management chiropractor has been treating fibromyalgia since 1995 and has honed treatment protocols to maximize relief, and speed recovery.  Those protocols include home therapies, nutrition, and physiotherapy application to reduce nerve sensitivity.

If you feel you may be suffering from fibromyalgia, call Dr. Andrew White at the Innova Pain Clinic and get your life back.