Headaches & Migraines
There are many types of headaches and for each headache there are specific protocols for treatment. Dr. Andrew White is trained to distinguish the various types of headaches and formulate a specific treatment plan to help you.

Dr. Andrew White specializes in treating headaches in St George UT. He has been successfully treating headaches using specific chiropractic protocols since 1995.
Headaches are common but not normal. We all experience headaches from time to time. But if you experience headaches more than twice a month, you need to consult Dr. Andrew White for a proper diagnosis.
Headaches may be common, but they are not normal. No one is born with an Excedrin deficiency. Sadly, because headaches are so commonplace we begin to accept them as a part of life.
There are many types of headaches and for each headache there are specific protocols for treatment. Your chiropractor is trained to distinguish the various types of headaches and formulate a specific treatment plan to help you.
At Innova Pain Clinic, Dr. Andrew White, has a great interest in helping headache sufferers manage their conditions and return to full activity.
Some of the more common types of headaches are listed below. Click on each link to learn more about that type of headache.
Tension headaches | Migraines | Cluster headaches | Sinus headaches |
This is just a short list of the more common varieties of headaches. Rest assured that your headache will be taken seriously at Innova Pain Clinic.
Using specific protocols that have been developed over years of clinical research and practical application, Dr. Andrew White will design a treatment plan to help you get you relief from your headache. The treatment plan will probably include physiotherapy to reduce swelling of the soft tissues in the upper cervical spine, muscle balancing and stretching to reduce nerve irritation, and gentle joint mobilization to improve small joint biomechanics.