
Shoulder Pain Treatment

Dr. Andrew White has been successfully treating shoulder pain and bursitis since 1995.

Shoulder Pain Treatment St George UT

Dr. Andrew White has been successfully treating shoulder pain and bursitis since 1995.

The shoulder is one of the most complicated joints in the body. Nature has designed a joint which is very mobile but subject to common injuries. Injuries can arise from trauma or repetitive movement stresses. If left uncorrected certain shoulder injuries may never heal correctly, leaving scar tissue in the joint and tendons.


Dr. Andrew White of the Innova Pain Clinic in St George UT has been successfully treating shoulder injuries and pain since 1995. The shoulder pain and injuries treated at the St George clinic include, bursitis, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury, AC joint pain, and shoulder dislocation.

Dr. Andrew White has specific chiropractic protocols which will maximize your recovery, reduce pain, and get you closer to your full potential.